
Man in white shirt sitting outdoors, holding his forehead, with blurred trees and sunlight in the background.
The psychological impact of Covid-19 on pastors and members
Close-up of a face covered in vibrant, multicolored paint, with hands framing the eyes.
A narrative tribute to the woman in my life for Woman's day.
Blurred person by window with oversized translucent question mark overlay.
Living life intentionally without anxiety
Four yellow spheres with faces displaying sad, happy, angry, and confused emotions, arranged in a line.
Finding ways to identify and manage a kaleidoscope of emotions during COVID-19 times
A person wearing a face mask with illustrated virus particles in the foreground, symbolizing COVID-19 prevention.
Impact of COVID-19 on the hierarchy of needs
Mushroom growing on a tree stump surrounded by leaves in a black and white photograph.
Moving from the story of Trauma and Loss to Post Traumatic Growth (Resilience, Beauty, Self-stories)
Paper stick figures standing on arrow-shaped cutouts on a wooden surface.
Stock-up on compassion
A small white dog sits inside a garden pot on a tiled patio, surrounded by potted plants.
An invitation to a family meeting